We’re officially more than halfway through the year and chances are we’ve forgotten all about those resolutions we made when the clock struck 12 on the 31st of December. I know I have!
We’re our own master and no date should tell us how and when we make changes to our lives, so if you feel unhappy or generally want to upgrade your standard of living, start now don’t wait for another six months. To help you in this process, here are a few healthy lifestyle tips to become the best you.
Stay fresh
We tend to get caught up in all our various activities of the day and forget to take a moment for ourselves. A quick and easy way to recharge is by simply splashing a little water on your face. Whether it’s between meetings or between classes, it gives you that bolt of energy you need while also keeping your skin clean and fresh.
- To-do lists for the win
There is nothing more satisfying than striking out a task or checking a box off. Start every day with a list of things you need to accomplish, from most important to least. It can feel daunting, to begin with, but as you make your way to the bottom of the list, the accomplishment you feel will be worth it.
- Hydration is key
Humans are 70% water yet very often it’s the last thing on our minds. The benefits of constant hydration are numerous, from clear skin to more energy. Get yourself a large (preferably clear) bottle. Fill it up with water and add in a few sliced lemons, cucumbers, mint, apples, or any other fruit you like. When your water looks that pretty, it’ll be impossible to resist taking a sip every few minutes.
- Workout
At aastey, we believe in inclusivity on all fronts, especially size. Yet a lot of people mistake that for an excuse to not work out. Everybody needs to exercise at least once a week so as to keep healthy. As mentioned in our "How to ease anxiety" blog, working out has countless benefits, none of which are losing weight. That is just a side effect most people enjoy. Check out the "link: workouts for fun" blog for some quick and easy home workouts.
- Budget
David Guetta, Wiz Khalifa, and so many others live by the motto of work hard, play hard. However, to play hard, one must be fiscally responsible. It isn’t a pretext to blow up all your savings with the excuse to “treat yourself”. Apps like wallet, monefy, money manager, etc are an easy way to keep track of expenses.
These healthy lifestyle tips listed above are simple ways to enhance your life and become your best version. They will help you physically and mentally. Although, we implore you not to take yourself too seriously. Have fun and create moments of peace and happiness! Learn to live aastey.