
athleisure wear has become a staple in many wardrobes, offering comfort, style, and functionality for various activities, from working out to running errands. however, to truly make the most of your athleisure collection while minimizing your environmental footprint, it's crucial to practice eco-friendly washing and care. in this blog, we'll explore how you can extend the lifespan of your activewear while reducing your impact on the environment.

the importance of eco-friendly athleisure care

before we delve into the specifics of eco-friendly athleisure care, it's essential to understand why this matters. the fashion industry, including athleisure wear, can have significant environmental impacts. many activewear items are made from synthetic materials like polyester and nylon, which are derived from fossil fuels and can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills.

additionally, the process of manufacturing synthetic fabrics can contribute to pollution, water usage, and energy consumption. when you discard worn-out activewear prematurely, it exacerbates these issues. eco-friendly athleisure care not only helps extend the life of your clothing but also reduces the demand for new items and the associated environmental costs.

eco-friendly athleisure washing tips

1. wash less frequently

one of the simplest ways to extend the life of your activewear is to wash it less often. many of us tend to over-wash our clothes, which can cause unnecessary wear and tear. if your activewear doesn't smell or have visible stains, consider wearing it for another workout before washing it. this not only conserves water but also preserves the integrity of the fabric.

2. use a guppyfriend bag

microplastic pollution is a significant concern when washing synthetic fabrics. tiny plastic fibers shed during washing can end up in our waterways and harm marine life. to combat this, use a guppyfriend bag when washing your activewear. this special bag captures microplastics, preventing them from entering the environment.

3. opt for cold water

washing your activewear in cold water instead of hot or warm water can save energy and reduce the risk of fabric damage. cold water is less likely to break down synthetic fibers and helps maintain the elasticity of your clothing.

4. choose a mild detergent

select a mild, eco-friendly detergent for your athleisure wear. harsh detergents can weaken fabric fibers over time. look for detergents that are specifically designed for activewear or choose one with a minimal environmental impact.

5. avoid fabric softeners and bleach

fabric softeners and bleach can damage the elasticity and color of your activewear. they can also leave behind chemical residues that can irritate your skin. skip these products and opt for an eco-friendly detergent instead.

6. turn your clothes inside out

before tossing your activewear into the washing machine, turn it inside out. this simple step can help protect the outer surface and prevent pilling, which often occurs when fabric rubs against itself.

7. use a gentle cycle

when selecting your washing machine settings, choose a gentle or delicate cycle. these settings are less abrasive on your activewear, reducing the risk of stretching or tearing.

8. avoid overloading the machine

overloading your washing machine can put extra stress on your activewear. give your clothes enough space to move freely during the wash cycle. this will help prevent excessive friction and damage.

9. air dry whenever possible

drying your activewear in a dryer can cause heat damage and shrinkage. instead, opt for air drying. hang your clothes on a drying rack or lay them flat on a clean surface. this method not only extends the life of your clothing but also saves energy.

storing your athleisure

proper storage is another key aspect of eco-friendly athleisure care. here's how you can store your activewear to maintain its quality:

1. fold, don't hang

unlike formal clothing, athleisure wear is best folded rather than hung. hanging can cause stretching and misshaping of the fabric, particularly for items with stretchy waistbands or delicate straps.

2. separate your activewear

keep your activewear separate from other types of clothing to prevent friction and potential damage. having a dedicated drawer or storage space for your athleisure can help you stay organized.

3. rotate your pieces

to ensure that all your activewear gets equal wear, rotate your pieces. this prevents certain items from being overused and allows you to make the most of your collection.

repair and reuse

instead of discarding athleisure pieces at the first sign of wear and tear, consider repairing them. small rips or loose seams can often be easily fixed with basic sewing skills or by taking them to a tailor. by extending the lifespan of your activewear, you reduce the demand for new items and minimize your environmental impact.

eco-friendly athleisure care is not only about preserving your clothing but also about reducing your environmental footprint. by practicing mindful washing and care, you can extend the lifespan of your activewear and contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. when combined with sustainable choices like aastey's products, you can enjoy the comfort and style of athleisure while making a positive impact on the planet. so, take the extra steps to care for your athleisure pieces, and enjoy their longevity while minimizing your impact on the environment.