Mothers are darlings but sometimes ironic, hilarious, mostly witty and someone who can safely claim, "Yes I know it all." This Mothers Day I am ready to share a few life hacks sponsored by my Mother and I.
Here are 4 things I have shared with my mother and I hope all daughters or even sons can resonate.
1. Jewelry
Here are 4 things I have shared with my mother and I hope all daughters or even sons can resonate.
1. Jewelry
The beauty of sharing things with your mom is irreplaceable. It's not just about the look but also the story behind it.
At my friends wedding, I picked up a necklace that my mom bought 20 years ago. It really didn't go on my neck, so I ended up wearing it as a headpiece. It was the most stunning look I have ever created. Everyone at the wedding asked me where I bought it from, it was my pleasure to tell them the sentimental value of that piece. My mom and I continue to share jewelry, but so far, its only me burying my head in her collection. BLESSED, hallow on my head- literally.

Moms actually need to have an adjective before their name.
Super mom.
2. The Ultimate Wardrobe Sharing
No matter how differently sized your mom and you might be, I am sure a lot of us have experienced sharing from our mom's wardrobe and the other way around. My mom is very short compared to me, but that doesn't stop her from trying out the tights I buy! And I for one, cant stop "borrowing" my mom's sarees.

Moms actually need to have an adjective before their name.
Super mom.
2. The Ultimate Wardrobe Sharing
No matter how differently sized your mom and you might be, I am sure a lot of us have experienced sharing from our mom's wardrobe and the other way around. My mom is very short compared to me, but that doesn't stop her from trying out the tights I buy! And I for one, cant stop "borrowing" my mom's sarees.
Our wardrobe sharing aesthetics and processes are clear! I like to use her Indian Wear, She likes to often recycle by dresses and tights that she feels are staple pieces that stand out in my wardrobe. And I think its super awesome when mothers don't dress their age. This dressing your age is such an ageist concept!
3. Recipes
There needs to be a book written on the number of recipes a child and mother exchange over a lifetime though verbal chats or inside a kitchen, maybe even over emails, whatsapps and sometimes even through a picture in those whatsapp groups. Just couple of days ago, I ended up sharing a picture of a pasta dish that I prepared and my mom was quick to revert with a question about, how I made the sauce. I am not sure if this is a gender role, I am sure fathers also do that, but its definitely something I exchange with my mom.
Sorry about the burnt cakes, unsalted pasta, and the super salty dessert mom. That has nothing to do with your recipes. In all honestly, we are both terrible cooks.

You think they burnt the cake too?
4. Feelings
There needs to be a book written on the number of recipes a child and mother exchange over a lifetime though verbal chats or inside a kitchen, maybe even over emails, whatsapps and sometimes even through a picture in those whatsapp groups. Just couple of days ago, I ended up sharing a picture of a pasta dish that I prepared and my mom was quick to revert with a question about, how I made the sauce. I am not sure if this is a gender role, I am sure fathers also do that, but its definitely something I exchange with my mom.
Sorry about the burnt cakes, unsalted pasta, and the super salty dessert mom. That has nothing to do with your recipes. In all honestly, we are both terrible cooks.

You think they burnt the cake too?
4. Feelings
This may not be materialistic but had to cover it on my list. Breaking my own blog's rule here.
As I am getting older, its my mother that I am most comfortable with, while sharing my feelings. I am blessed to be a part of a loving family and both my parents would be all ears to listen to my feelings, but personally thats just the rapport and comfort that I have with my mother even though she is married to the coolest & most sensible man (-my dad) on this planet. Sharing feelings with my mother is the most natural part of my relationship with her. It is beyond sharing all of the above. It is beyond the love & care a mother has for her child. This particular trait helps me with my mental health and upliftment - the moments are truly priceless.
This point is lit! Because I grew up in a typical Indian family that didn't believe in sharing their feelings with each other, it was considered over rated.
This point is lit! Because I grew up in a typical Indian family that didn't believe in sharing their feelings with each other, it was considered over rated.
Hence my mother definitely helps me to, live aastey. :)

From childhood to growing up, feelings are real for you mom <3.
creds: ivycityco
Tell us what you share with your mom.
This write up is slightly different from the rest as its dedicated to the 'Savita' in our lives. Kanupriya and I share more than just a company - our moms have the same name too!

From childhood to growing up, feelings are real for you mom <3.
creds: ivycityco
Tell us what you share with your mom.
This write up is slightly different from the rest as its dedicated to the 'Savita' in our lives. Kanupriya and I share more than just a company - our moms have the same name too!
A very Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Moms in this world and to the Dads who filled the gap of being a Mother in their kids' lives.
We love you. <3
We love you. <3